Extending Night Circus into November

By a mistake on our part, we have currently realized that Night Circus is around 500 pages. This is not conducive to our school and work lives for the month, so we are extending Night Circus into November. Night Circus reviews will likely be up on the 15th of November. Next month’s book will be crammed into the last weeks of November since it is only around 200 pages. Thanks for reading!

Magnus Chase: The Sword of Summer Review ~ Erin

I have always loved Rick Riordan’s books. The first book of his that I read was Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief in 6th grade for my English class. I loved it. His books have become one of my comfort reads. They are books that I know will make me laugh, yell, cry, smile, whatever I need, it’s in these books. These books have the feeling of home to me. I don’t know if that makes sense but its also the feeling I get when I read Harry PotterMagnus Chase was another one of those books. I gave it 4/5 stars on Goodreads.


There were so many great things in this book. I kept thinking that maybe Riordan is going to combine all of the different gods that he has written about and have a final battle of sorts with all of the characters, Greek, Roman, Norse, Egyptian, etc. That would be really interesting.

I love how we got to see Annabeth in this book, even if it was only for a short while. I also loved all the diversity in this book! Sam being a Muslim, Hearthstone being deaf, Blitzen being (I assume) gay (I could be wrong about this one, straight men can love fashion too). It was great.

The whole Randolph thing, I knew the moment that Loki mentioned to Magnus that he should give Randolph the sword. I didn’t know what I knew but I knew something was up. Either Randolph was working for Loki willingly or Loki had something over him.

I’ve always loved when authors have chapter names. It just makes it much more fun to read. I love Riordan’s chapter names. They are always sarcastic and great and I love them.

My favorite character is probably Hearthstone. I really hope we get to learn more about him in the second book. He’s just great.

Random thought but I really want to try falafel now. I have never had it before and it sounds interesting.

I’m really glad that Riordan didn’t make Sam and Magnus and item. I feel like he does that with a lot of his main characters and it’s nice to just see a mutually solid friendship relationship.

I loved the craft war. That was a great scene to read. I loved the hippie world that Freya rules over. The description of that world was amazing and beautiful!

I am definitely going to be continuing on with this series and I am looking forward to seeing what happens.

I hope you all are having a great day/night/whatever time! Comment below what you guys thought of the book, did you have any of the thoughts that I had?

Happy reading!
